CLIENT: McArthurGlen operate their hugely successful deisnger outlet villages across Europe and the hopsitality offerings within each are as important as the many, famous fashion labels on offer.
BRIEF: The Serravalle designer outlet near Milan were keen to enter into a partnership with leading international food retail and restaurant operators, Eataly. Ford Consultancy were engaged to assist with a full evaluation and appraisal of the location, site layout, range of offers and cost-planning of executing this idea.
STRATEGY: We conducted extensive reviews and critical appraisals of the Eataly stores in London and mainland Europe to assess which elements would best fit into the limited footprint and architectural restrictions of the proposed units in Serravalle. As the Eataly store would be one of the very first things that visitors encountered on arriving into the village, it was essential that the design, layout and offer was sufficient to deal with high volumes and high quality in equal measure. We reviewed plans and options for both ground an first floors, including the connectivity of spaces, service area, operating logistics and customer flow to arrive at the optimum scheme.
RESULTS: Eataly opened at Serravalle Designer Village in June 2023 and has been a very welcome addition to the already exceptional spread of Italian food offers.